Human Trafficking in Nepal

A Criminal network that exists

Trading of teenager girls for prostitution

Human Trafficking is the world’s fastest-growing criminal network that smuggles innocent girls, national and internationally, for several uses. Nepal is the transit points because of its open border and services of receiving visas on arrival.

Every year, traffickers deceive 20,000–30,000 premenstrual teenage girls into giving them false promises of better jobs and lives. They take advantage of their poverty, ignorance, and unawareness. Sometimes girls are kidnapped or fake marriages to cross borders. Many victims are first trafficked within the country and then sold internationally as houseworkers and cleaners, with the ultimate goal of becoming prostitutes.

Great Vision Nepal (GVN) is fighting against this network from the border, and at the heart of Kathmandu, Balaju city.

GVN is currently doing border surveillance in the Mahespur border of Nawalparasi district. Staff are working from 6 am to 7 pm every day. Every month, over 1,400 girls are checked, stopped, and given counselling on the consequences of trafficking.

Second group of staffs goes from village to village and make awarenss on human trafficking, and train them how to recognize brokers, and how to protect daughter from them. We also provide emergency numbers of Police, and GVN office for any emergency help needed.

In Kathmandu, GVN is also running an “Emergency Call Center” in Balaju City, where we receive calls from victims who are in need.